Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thoughts for today...

            I’ve only got a couple of things to say today. The first is actually pretty obvious. Editing is hard . . . no seriously, it’s extremely hard. After you finish a book there’s this really surreal moment when you think, “Wow, I’m actually done with this.” Then you look over the first chapter and think, “Oh, crap! I’m going to be here forever.” I’ll get it done, though. I just need some really good music and a lot of caffeine. The other thing on my mind is actually about something a little off the wall, but at the same time, it’s pretty amazing to me. Back in January, I remember having a conversation with my mom about the fact that I didn’t really have anything to feel pride about in our area. I even pointed out that we’ve never had a professional sports team win a championship around here. I know that many people may not be into basketball, and it might still be very early to count on anything happening, but it almost seems like the stars have aligned for the @Memphis Grizzlies. Back when we beat the Clippers and Russell Westbrook got hurt, I felt like we had a good chance, but now I feel even more optimistic. For the first time in my lifetime, we have a team to follow in this area that we can be proud of because they are winners and not because we are simply going for them because they’re “our team.” I never thought I would see the day, but I’m actually proud, and just between me and you, I think we stand a better chance than most people give us if we do make it to the Finals.
            One last thought. The new Star Trek movie came out today. I’ve never been a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, or in general, most movies similar to them, but I’m really getting tired of my day consisting of just hitting a bunch of keys and making up stories. Sure, I love writing, but everyone needs a change of pace every once in a while. I think I’ll go to the movies tonight and let someone else tell me a story for once. You know, take some mental health time. No . . . that doesn’t sound lazy, does it? Anyway, I’m going to get back to working, but I thought I would leave a few random thoughts here today. Thanks for listening.

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