Monday, May 20, 2013


Generations. What are they? Obviously they’re a new set of people, but that’s not what I mean. The nineties were a time when things were thriving here in America. From what I hear, it was a good time to be in your twenties and just getting started. Today, things are much harder. Good jobs are harder to come by, and in general, if you listen to the news, things suck. What is my generation a product of? This is a great question. Take our president for example. He says that the bad things about his presidency are a result of the selfishness of the nineties and the early two-thousands. Is that true or is it an excuse? I could go on talking, or more accurately arguing, with people about this depending on whether or not they were Republicans or Democrats, but what good would that do? The real question is if this is the attitude that my own generation has started to adopt. Could our problems stem from the people who came before us? Yes, at least some of them could. Does it matter, though? I don’t believe it does. We, and the generation that came before us, are stagnant ones. We are sitting in our own mess and waiting for someone to clean it up because we claim that we didn’t make it. If someone flings dirt on your face, do you simply leave it there until they clean it or do you go wash your face? We are not entitled to anything like we believe we are. This country used to be one of innovators. So many things were invented here, and so many walls were broken down, but now we find ourselves using the same devices that we always have, all while things like racism, abuse, and corruption creep their way back into the foundation of our society. Who is my generation? Well, that hasn’t exactly been decided yet. We don’t have good role models to model ourselves after, but that doesn’t matter. If our society is broken, it’s not our job to point a finger at who we think broke it. It’s our job to fix it. If you can’t find a job, make one. Believe it or not, jobs weren’t always readily available in this country. That’s why we used to have so many innovators. If you want love, find it. If you despise corruption, stop standing for it. Finally, if you want to know who’s to blame, look in the mirror. We all are.

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