Sunday, September 15, 2013


   I wanted to share a few thoughts with everyone today before the Packers kick off. It’s come to my attention that I don’t smile and laugh enough, and yes, I can be too serious at times, so without further ado, I am going to laugh more. In fact, I’m going to start right now. (*Lets out crazed and very forced laugh*) Now my family officially thinks that I’m a little crazy. That’s what tends to happen when you let out a crazed laugh when you’re sitting in a dark room writing … In all seriousness, though, I probably do need to step away from the computer a little more and go do something fun. Twenty-five year olds normally do that, right? I’ve fallen into this trap lately of having to be serious about everything, though. I have to pour every ounce of energy into my writing and my relationships, and I’ve come to one conclusion. All that is just too exhausting. I’m going to let the people in my life pull the weight in our relationships for a while, and I’m going to slow down on writing so I can remember what it means to have fun. It’s kind of strange that I’m saying this as I write … it makes me think that I might just be lying to myself, but then again, I do know that I need to take some time to soak in the moment more. I’ve released eight books in three months, and I’m just now starting to see that I should have probably enjoyed the process of that more. I should have also been proud that I was even able to do that. It wasn’t easy. On the flip side of things, I probably should have moved slower on releasing my books. I’ve poured so much energy into books that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to laugh and love. Well, it’s time for that to stop. I’m ready for my life to be shared with people, music, and comedy again. I want to do something completely new every day, and I don’t want to do it for some grand purpose. I just want to do it because I can. Shouldn’t that be why we do everything? I mean, we always try to attach some type of meaning to everything we do, but what if all we’re here for is to smell the roses.
   And there I go into some type of philosophical thing on this blog. I’m doing the exact thing I said I wouldn’t do and being serious. I know … I know … I probably just set a record for the quickest time to go back on a resolution ever. I guess the point of all this is to say that I’m not going to work harder, go to church more, put more effort into improving what I already am, or have some type of epiphany that alters my entire world view. I’m just going to go to more movies, clubs, and concerts than ever, and most importantly, I’m going to soak up every moment of it. I’m going to pursue fun activities and avoid anyone who brings me back to anything that resembles the dark place I’ve been for the last few weeks, and most of all, I’m going to laugh even when I don’t feel like it. In a way, I have to step out of the dark, and in another way, I simply want to. It starts today with something simple. The Packers versus the Redskins. It’s only a game but today it’s all I have time for, and that’s exactly the way it should be.

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