Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Projects and Direction

   From time to time, I like to update everyone on what I’m working on. I haven’t released anything since last month, and I usually try to release a project at least every two months, but that’s probably not going to happen. You see, I’ve been working on getting my newest book ready. I’ve written new parts and edited it. It’s called The Divide, and I think it’s going to be amazing. I want to run over it one more time before I say it’s ready. Now, you might be asking this. Why won’t it be ready by next month if all you have to do is run through it one more time? Here’s the answer. I’m sending this one in to publishers. I think it’s a great book, and if I can’t get someone to pick it up, then I’m probably not going to be getting any offers from anything else. I believe in this one a lot, and I want to give it the best chance to succeed on a bigger scale. I don’t know how long it normally takes to hear back from publishers, and I’m not going to give up if the first person I send it to rejects it, so this could take some time. My guess would be that either my next release will be by a major publisher within a few months, or that I’ll put it on Kindle after enough time has passed for me to know that it’s not a publisher’s cup of tea. Make no mistake about it, though. I don’t think this book will fail. It has everything in it that most people look for in a book, and it explores some themes that are really popular. I want to share it with you guys right now, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to share it with even more people if I’m just patient. I’ll be sending it in to a very notable publishing company at the end of this month, and I’m sure I’ll hear something back within a few weeks.
   Now, on to other things I’m doing. I’ve written an entirely different book that involves espionage. It’s edited fairly well, but it’s not anywhere near ready for release. I’m in the middle of writing its sequel. I’m almost half way through writing it. I’ve also been writing a lot of short stories, and one really long story, that involves a lot of the characters from Wrong and Strange Visions. I’m just writing those for my personal enjoyment, but you wouldn’t believe how much of my time I’ve been putting into that. (I really need to work on that.) I already know what I’m going to do after I finish writing my sequel. I’m going to start on a sci-fi book. I have a few ideas about what to do. The weird thing is that I have some other ideas to write, too. One is more about personal relationships, and another is about religion and morality. Honestly, there are too many ideas, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to use all of them, but I’m thankful that I have them.
   Not everything in my life is about books, however. I’ve been house hunting because I want to own my own house, and I have found at least a couple of places that were perfect. Unfortunately, if you think something is too good to be true, you shouldn’t wait on it because a lot of other people will show interest really fast. I haven’t been able to get anything yet, but I’m still actively looking, and if I haven’t found anything by the end of the summer, I’m just going to say forget it and have a house built.

   All right, that about covers what I’m doing. I’ll be updating everyone about The Divide’s status as I hear back from publishers. Hopefully one day we’ll have the Divide and all of the Wrong and Strange Visions books in stores everywhere, but for now, I’ll just say that I’m thankful to the supporters I have and ask for everyone to look forward to what’s around the corner. It’s going to take some time, and regardless of whether a publisher takes a chance on The Divide, it’s going to be an excellent book.

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