Saturday, June 13, 2015


   I thought today I would update everyone on what I’ve been working on. Before that, though, I want to say thanks for all the kind words about Wrong Visions Vol. 3. It was the last in the series, and it holds a special place in my heart because it’s a goodbye to so many great characters, not that they might not have a little cameo in a future project. ;) It is the end of their stories for sure, though.
   Here’s what I want everyone to know immediately. A romantic novel titled Destiny will be my next project. I haven’t set a date for it yet, but you should expect it sooner rather than later. This is one I’ve been working on for a while, and I’ve been chomping at the bit to get it out there, but I had to be patient. I had to finish up The Unseen and Wrong Visions series before I could concentrate on something new. It’s worth noting that this book is nothing like the ones I’ve written in the past. It’s something that I never expected I could actually write, but it turns out it might be what I’m best at. I started this journey out by trying to “find my niche.” I still plan to explore all types of genres in my writing, but I think I found it with books like Destiny. It’s a mixture of the slice of life style stories that I love and the idealistic life I’ve always dreamed of. It’s actually finished and edited. For some reason, I can’t find a good cover, though. Hopefully I’ll find one soon.
   I wrote a prequel to The Divide called The Divide: Origins also. It’s still in the editing stages, but it’s coming together nicely. I would expect to release it before the end of year. In a way, this is a darker story. It explores who we are and what we can take while still maintaining the good in us. That’s not all I’ve been working on, though. I have written a romance that’s very familiar to me. It’s currently untitled. I have very high hopes for it. It falls into more of the young adult genre, and I try to pull from places and experiences I have in my own life. The characters certainly aren’t any indication of who I am or what I’ve been through, but the world and story are something that’s very personal to me. It’s set in the early 2000s, so I make quite a few references to things from when I was in high school. It should be entertaining for anyone of that generation or just someone who wants to read a good love story that keeps it light, for the most part.
   I’m also writing two other stories right now that I can’t give many details about. Just know that they’re very different from one another. One sticks to the formula that we see in Destiny, (or you will see) and the other tries something that’s very different for me. I’m not sure if the latter will ever get released because it’s been a very challenging project, and I’m starting to wonder if I bit off a little more than I could chew. If not, it should be epic, but it’s still early, so we’ll see. The weird thing is that even though I’ve been editing three books and writing two more, I still have more ideas for the future. I’ve got an untitled project in my mind that’s futuristic and has elements of sci-fi in it. If I ever write that one, at its core, it’ll be about what makes us human. What is a soul? Another is a religious work that isn’t fiction at all. It’ll just be an exploration of what it means to be a Christian and how we deal with the challenges of our daily lives. I’m still learning in that area, so I’m not sure when this project will get off the ground. I figure that I should probably get myself straight before I start giving people advice about God or their lives. Still, it’s something I hope to write when I have a better handle on what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. The final idea I have is something called I Devil. I know. It’s kind of a dark title. It’s going to be a dark book, though. It might be kind of weird that I mentioned it right behind the idea for a Christian book, but it’s a project that keeps me up because I’m always thinking about it. It would be a big undertaking, and some might not like it due to the dark nature of its subject, but it has a theme behind it that we never acknowledge. Who’s the real devil? The man with the pointy horns or the person who stares back at you in the mirror? It’ll explore the lightest and darkest sides of human psychology. As I write about it now, I get excited. I think it’ll be my next project, if I ever finish with everything else.
   So there you have it. I’ve been very busy with all sorts of things. I know I’ve only released a couple of books this year, which is kind of slow for me, but it’s only because I’ve been reloading. Hopefully, I’ll have Destiny out there for you soon and be working on many more projects. You might ask what I’ve been doing with my free time. I would respond with what free time? Maybe that should be my next project before I Devil. Operation Mitch gets a life. :) Thanks for reading, and expect more about Destiny soon. I’ll be writing a series of blogs about it leading up to the release.

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