Friday, October 24, 2014

The Plan

   All right, I thought it was time for me to update everyone on my future plans in writing. I’m releasing the second volume of Wrong Visions on Halloween, and I’m very excited about it. It’s by far the longest book I’ve ever released, and it’s roughly twice the size of the first volume, so it should keep all fans of the Wrong and Strange Visions series reading for a long time. I think these stories are very diverse. We explore some familiar things like Nathan and Sam’s everyday life and Trent and Ally’s life back in Nashville, but we also have stories about characters that haven’t received the proper amount of attention in the past. Dan gets his own story that involves a mysterious character from his past, and Robert gets a story that centers around his detective work. Of course, there is at least one story that brings them all together that’s packed with action, too. To say the least, this is going to be one that takes more than a day to read, but with the diversity of the stories, I think readers will come back to them again and again.
   Now, on to The Unseen. I released The Unseen: A Broken Mind a few weeks ago, and its sequel, The Unseen: Shadow Wars will be released in early December. It’s action packed all the way through, and it goes to places that the series has never gone to before. It manages to explore more personal aspects of Drew and Lindsey’s lives without breaking with the action, and it goes in a direction that will ultimately lead to the ending of this series. I’m working on the final book in the series now. I have an idea for how it will end, but the weird thing is that these characters keep surprising me. I’ll have an idea of what Drew should do before I start writing, but just like living things, my characters seem to have better ideas, and I write what I see. The truth is that I have no idea how this series will end. I have about five different endings picked out, but who knows? All I know is that The Unseen will be coming to an end with the third book, which is untitled at the moment. I’m hoping to be able to release it in late February of next year.
   The Wrong Visions series isn’t finished either. I’m working on it as a side project at the same time as The Unseen. I have no idea when the third volume will come out, and I want to really take my time on it and enjoy it because it will be the last volume. I’ve enjoyed writing these side stories that involve the personal side of some of my favorite characters’ lives. An action scene is nice, but sometimes I just like to write about everyday life and sprinkle in a little romance or comedy. Wrong Visions has been a nice release for me as a writer, but the third one will end my collection of side stories. I’m writing the first story in it now, and I can’t give many details about it yet, but I do want to say this. It’s going to be fun to dive back into the Wrong and Strange Visions’ worlds once again. It’s a little odd, but The Unseen has been the set of books that pushes me forward as a writer while Wrong Visions has been something that pulls me back to what I already know. I needed both of those things in my life over the last few months. It’s nice to move forward and see that you have new things in you, but familiarity can remind you of why you started to begin with.
   Finally, I have new projects on my mind, too. After I’ve finished up with these two series, I want to try something totally different. I have an idea for a murder mystery book that would be a bit darker than what I’ve written in the past. It would be from a unique perspective, too. I’m toying with that at the moment, and it’s a project that probably won’t come to fruition for quite some time, but it’s something that keeps my mind ticking for what I might be able to do. Honestly, I think this idea will be something that a lot of people like if I can execute it right. I have another idea, too. It doesn’t involve murder or agencies. It doesn’t even have a sci-fi element to it. This book would be a simple one that only involves romance and a little slice of life feel. I want to write these two books together over time. When you’re writing something darker you have to be in a certain mindset, and that can bleed into your everyday life. I don’t want my murder mystery book to take me to a bad place, so I’m going to work on something lighthearted at the same time. It’s going to be challenging, but I want to be balanced as a person and a writer. I want people to know that I can be serious, funny, romantic, adventurous, and imaginative in my writing because that’s who I am in real life. I think these future projects are really going to communicate that. That’s the real purpose of all this. It’s all about expression. We lose sight of that as authors at times, but at the end of the day, nothing is better than putting little pieces of yourself out there and having them accepted. Nothing is worse than having those parts of yourself rejected, but that’s the risk you run to have a voice. I don’t know how long I’m going to have new ideas or want to share them with people, but for as long as I do, I want to stay true to my vision and present something original and imaginative. I hope you all enjoy these future books, and I hope that I continue to have new ideas and explore new avenues on my way to wherever it is that I’m going. I still haven’t figured it all out yet. Will I write forever? Where will I be for the rest of my life? Who will I spend that life with? Does Donald Trump really have hair? I don’t know the answers to any of those questions, but I do know this. I’m having fun on my journey to the answers to all of it.

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