Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years

   It’s that time again. Some of us are celebrating a new year, and others are thinking back on 2013 and wondering what we really accomplished. I’ve been in the latter category for most of my adult life. I often get to the end of the year and think about what I didn’t do that year. Then I start making plans for everything that I have to do the next year. Then I spend that next year putting all of myself into trying to accomplish whatever unrealistic goal I’ve set. At the end of that year, I’m normally just short of a goal that seemed like it could never be possible. I’ve always looked at that as a complete failure, but this year, things are different. I didn’t accomplish every goal that I set for myself at the beginning of 2013, but I did more than I thought I could and certainly did much more than most other people thought I could do. I realized something this year. You don’t need to look at the final destination of any journey because some journeys are doomed before they start. Look at the journey as a whole, and then analyze it. Even if you came up short, did you accomplish some really great things? Was it fun at times? Did you smile, cry, laugh, and love in that year? If the answer is yes, then you grew as a person, and you have nothing to feel ashamed of. I have developed a new mindset. People often think that the person who shoots for the stars is a fool, but that person always gets a lot more air than the people who are staring from the ground.
   I guess my point is this. I want the people in my life to be happy, and I want to use whatever motivation I gained in 2013 in 2014. I’m going to continue to set unrealistic goals, and I’m going to continue to fail, but in doing so, I’m going to push myself further than I would have before. Make a goal for yourself this year, and make it one that you truly don’t think you can achieve. Dream big, and enjoy wherever those dreams take you. I promise that they’ll take you further than anything else. 

   Now that I’ve told you all about how I’m going to set unrealistic goals, fail, and be better for it, I want to say that I hope you all have a great New Year and that 2014 is so much better than 2013. You all made my year very special by connecting with me and reading my words. I hope to share more with everyone next year and build my house. I guess those are my goals. I want to take my writing to entirely different places and build a home that I can be satisfied with for a lifetime. What are your goals, and are they going to lead you on a journey that takes you to all of the places that you want to go to regardless of where the final destination is? Find the right journey and the right people this year, guys. If you do, I promise that everything after that is icing on the cake. Thanks for reading this entry. I should have a cover and official title for Wrong Six to announce soon. Look forward to that, and more importantly, look forward to the possibility that a new year brings regardless of how hard the past year might have been.

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