Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Wrong Series From My Perspective

   The next Wrong book is shaping up slowly but surely, so I thought that I would take some time to tell all of you what this series means to me personally. I guess I should start at the beginning. When I first started writing Wrong Place, I had no expectations, and I certainly wasn’t doing it for money. I simply started writing a story that included a lot more elements from my own life than some people may know. I wanted to make something different. I didn’t want to write the standard CIA novel, and I certainly didn’t want the book to be deathly serious all the time. I felt that a story should contain action, comedy, romance, and a lot of well-placed dialogue to make the characters bond in the way that we do in real life. I didn’t have any experience, so I truly didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Chapters were as long or short as I wanted them to be, and characters were just who they were without a single consideration as to what a reader would think. You see, I wrote Wrong Place, Wrong Time, and Wrong Life one after another, and I didn’t know if I would ever release them, so I wrote those books for myself. I think that I might have enjoyed writing those three books more than any other books. They pack so much of my fantasies, experiences, and dreams into three little packages. When I was done with the three books, I felt great about what I had done. The books weren’t what everyone wanted them to be, but they were exactly as I envisioned them.
   A few months later, I released them on Kindle, and I got mostly good feedback, but a few people didn’t care for my work. I had always planned to write a prequel starring Zane, and when I began working on it, I tried to insert all of the things that people loved about the first three books and get away from the things that people didn’t like. I never sacrificed what my original vision was for the book, however. As I got closer to the finishing Wrong Regrets, some people started saying that I shouldn’t end the series. They wanted more Wrong, so I wrote a vague Epilogue that made it possible for me to continue the series. The only problem with the ending was that it required some explanation. Wrong Regrets was set five years after Wrong Life. The newest Wrong book, Wrong Fortunes, would go back to the past. It would be set directly after the events of Wrong Life. Some people didn’t understand why I would leave a cliffhanger at the end of Wrong Regrets only to write a book set before it. My thinking was simple, however. Wrong Fortunes took the first step in setting up a story that would explain everything about the ending of Wrong Regrets. It was a fun book to write. I was starting to get burned out when I wrote it, and I had a lot of personal problems in my life, but when I was back in Sam, Lee, and Trish’s world, I felt like everything else was background noise. You see, in a way, this series has served as a much needed escape for me. In that regard, the Wrong series will always have a special place in my heart. I suppose that it will probably always be my favorite thing that I’ve written because it was the beginning of all of this.
   Now, onto the sixth Wrong book. Wrong Mission is the name of my newest book. I wrote this one with the final book in mind. At the end of it, you’ll probably be left with a lot of questions, but rest assured that everything will be answered in one final book after this one.
   I’ve already written the final book, and I know for a fact that this will be the last one. I didn’t want it to be, but I wanted Wrong to go out on a high note, and I can say with confidence that it does. I made it so that I could never write another Wrong book, and that was hard, but I think it’s time for me to move on to new things. Besides, don’t Nathan and Sam deserve to rest at this point? Anyway, thanks for reading about what this series means to me and the process that led to all of these books. It has meant everything to me, and I can’t wait to let everyone in on the beginning of the end. Look forward to a cover reveal soon, and if you haven’t already read this series, then what are you waiting for? Go get it, and let me know what you think.

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