Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Future Projects And Finding My Way

   As the people who follow my blog already know, I’m working on three major projects right now. One is a romance novel called Destiny, another is the final Wrong Visions, and the last one is The Divide: Origins. You should be on the lookout for news about Destiny and Wrong Visions in the near future. I might even have a special preview for Destiny soon! That’s not what I really wanted to discuss today, though. I have a lot of concepts for things I want to do in the future. There are three in total. I’ll start with the first.
   I’ve been thinking about writing a traditional murder mystery novel. It would be in true detective style with none of the supernatural elements like in Strange Visions. I actually don’t like to read or watch mysteries, but I know a lot of people do, so it’s been weighing on my mind to actually challenge myself to write one. I have a concept in my mind that’s very thought out already. I don’t think this novel would be set in modern times. I can see it being set in a rural area in the 50’s or 60’s. I’ve always loved those eras, and it provides a certain challenge to write in a new genre and time.
   The second is a lot like Destiny. I didn’t think I would like writing a love story so much, but it was truly a joy. When I started writing this blog, I titled it Finding My Niche for a reason. I was trying to find my place as an author and as a person. Slice of life novels are definitely in my comfort zone. I feel completely at home in these types of worlds. I didn’t think I would, but I love it. I know I’m definitely going to return to this genre over and over again, even if it’s only for my own enjoyment. The project I have in mind will be in the same genre as Destiny, but it will also be much different. I can’t really tell you how because that would ruin parts of Destiny before it even comes out, but rest assured that this book is going to have a place close to my heart.
   The final project I’ve been considering isn’t even fiction. I’ve been toying around with the idea of writing a book about my faith. It won’t specifically be about me, but my perceptions of God and the Bible will be a theme in it. It would require me to read through the entire Bible and take many notes as I went. It would be a how to guide for young Christians in today’s world. I believe that the Bible has many lessons that can be applied to modern day people. That’s even true of people who aren’t Christians, and doing an in-depth study of the Bible and recording my findings in a novel that people can enjoy is definitely something I want to do before I give up the pen. I would also welcome any cooperation on this project from other authors or just fellow Christians. The profits can be split between anyone who chooses to participate. This one really wouldn’t be about money anyway.

   So that’s what I’m thinking. I can’t say for sure when I’ll start on each project. I’ve still got a lot to do on my other three. I’ve finished all three books, and the editing process on them is about two-thirds way done, but I’ve got covers, promotion, and everything else that’s involved. It’s going to be a while, but I’m looking forward to the future. Who knows where it will take me. I’m still finding my niche, but with every day, I get a little closer!

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