thought that I would do a random list today, and this subject seems interesting
to me. The first thing I want to talk about is love.
You can never make someone love you, no matter
how much you spend. Sure, a large bank account can land you a supermodel wife
or husband, but no matter how much you spend, they probably won’t ever love you. In the same way, your friend’s love
can’t be bought. A good friend is someone who wants to be around you when
you’re too broke to go out at all. Great Christmas presents won’t buy your
children’s love either. It’s actually strange how much we equate gifts with
love when they’re so useless in expressing what true love really is.
The second thing that money can’t buy is
happiness. This is something that I know from experience. I’ve gone through ups
and downs throughout my life. I’ve turned to better clothes, entertainment,
food, and in general, I’ve thrown more money at the problem than most people,
but none of it ever got me out of whatever metaphorical pit that I was in. No,
I’m not going to say something lame like that true happiness comes from within
because that’s absolutely ridiculous. I think that true happiness comes from
the people we spend our time with. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing or if
money is even involved. All that matters is that we have the people in our life
who make life worth living. Until you find those people, your life will always
feel somewhat empty.
The last thing is a big one. Money will
never give you a clear conscience. Many people tithe or give large portions of
their money to charity, and that’s a really great thing. Unfortunately, trying
to help others with the wrong intentions does you absolutely no good. We’ve all
been in the situation I’m talking about. We’ve done something terrible that
eats away at us, so we start trying to make up for it by throwing a little cash
to a worthy cause. Somehow we think that brings us redemption. Unfortunately,
it never does. Actions will always trump a handout. If you’ve wronged someone,
going to them and getting everything out in the open is the beginning to
clearing your conscience, or at least that’s my experience.
Now, you may ask, why the list? The truth is
that I’m a little bored right now. I’ve been editing so much on Strange
Visions: The Storm that I haven’t had a chance to write a new word for two
days. That’s kind of starting to drive me a little crazy, so I thought I would
write some little random thing for my blog. Money has always been an
interesting thing to me because it’s so important to so many people, and yet it
can’t actually give us the things that we desire most.
I’ll have an update on the new book soon.
For now, just know that my editing is going well. I’m 95% done with the book,
but I’m just trying to go over it a lot to make sure that everything is like it
should be. This is the last book, after all. I think that Trent and Ally
deserve a perfect sendoff. Thanks for reading, and look forward to reading the
best and final Strange Visions book soon.
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