Monday, October 21, 2013

Fortunes, Happiness, and Shameless Promotion

   I’m writing to update you guys on a number of things today. The first thing is the progress of Wrong Fortunes. I’ve been working long hours to make it the most polished book so far. I just put the finishing touches on it now. I’m going to have some people look at the changes I’ve made and see what they think, but as long as they don’t find any issues, it’s done. On October 25th I’m going to be releasing one of my personal favorites in the series. It’s hard to choose what my favorite book is in this series, but I know that Wrong Fortunes was more fun to write than any other book besides Wrong Life, so I hope it will be that much fun for everyone to read.
   I also wanted to tell you guys about what I’m going to be hard at work on after the 25th. The final book in the Strange Visions series needs to be polished. I’ve already done a lot of work to it, and I’m probably 85% done with the editing process. Strange Visions: The Storm was a very emotional book for me to write because it’s the end of a story that has meant more to me personally than I ever could have anticipated. You never know how people are going to like your work, but I think that The Storm is the best book yet in the series, and that fact within itself makes me proud. You always want to end on a high note. In fact, I thought it ended well enough that I almost didn’t want to end it. I started to do a rewrite and make one more story possible, but I knew that it was probably time to move on to new things. Trent really deserves a break, too! He’s been involved in so many murderous situations. Lol! Strange Visions: The Storm will be coming out sometime in late November. I’ll give you guys a concrete date sometime after everything with Wrong Fortunes is settled.
   Finally, I want to update everyone on my other projects that will be released in the future. The sixth Wrong title has been finished for a while now. It still needs to go through a lot more editing, but I love how the story ended up in that book. The book has a little different feel to it, but I think that’s a good thing. There is also one more Wrong title that I just recently finished. The final Wrong book is done. It hasn’t been edited very much, but the story is complete. I can say concretely that this is the end of the series. That statement makes me cringe as I write it. I think that writing the ending to the Wrong series had to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve never been the type to get extremely emotional, but when I wrote the last words, I fell apart a little. I felt like I had lost my best friends. I know, that sounds a little strange, but Nathan and Sam’s stories have been my life for the past year. It’s hard to let go of that world and move on to something else.
   I probably shouldn’t be getting ahead of myself, though. I’m not going to be moving on to anything soon because I have to edit three more books before I can write anything new. I don’t know when I’ll finally get to write new material, but when I do, I think that I want to try some different things. I’ve been thinking about submitting work to a traditional publisher in the future. I think it could lead to some great opportunities, and I know that submitting work doesn’t mean that you’re going to get interest or become the next James Patterson, but it’s worth trying. What’s the worst that could happen? If publishers don’t like what I do in the future, I’ll just release it for the people who do like what I do. This isn’t about money to me anyway. It’s about so much more. I’ve always been called shy, and I guess to some extent I am. I don’t like to speak in public, and I’m never going to be the loudest person in the room, but when I’m writing, I feel like I have a voice. A voice is nothing if someone doesn’t hear it, however. Thanks for hearing mine. It doesn’t matter if I have a million people reading my words or just one because it’s worth it to share the love, the hate, and all of the craziness that’s rolling around in my head.
   So yeah . . . that’s my update. I’m working hard, I’m proud of my next book, and I’ve got a lot of projects that are going really well. Most of all, I think that I’m happy. I haven’t been able to say that at many points in my life, so I’m going to enjoy it now. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t put a shameless plug in this blog, though, so here it is. If you haven’t checked out the Wrong series yet, you should definitely check it out. I’ll put the link to Wrong Place below. Thanks for the support of all my family members, friends, and fans, and welcome to all the new people who are just getting into the series. 

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