Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Projects

I wanted to update everyone on what I’ve been doing. Destiny came out roughly nine weeks ago, and so far, it has been very successful. Sales were a bit slow for the first week, but I’ve been impressed how it has gradually gained more and more momentum since its release day. I am very proud of it, and I think it’ll continue to gain more of a following as the weeks go by. That hasn’t been my only focus over these nine weeks, however. Since then, I’ve been working on writing and editing new material and going back through old material. Here’s the first part of what I’ve been doing.
I have redone the Wrong and Strange Visions series. I’ve also gone back through The Divide and made it a much smoother read. I haven’t uploaded the new versions yet because I still have a few minor things I want to tweak, but the updates should be ready in the next few weeks. I’m still so proud of those books. That was where I started, and all of them will always stand out for me, but I’ve grown a lot as a writer since then. I think I’ll be even more proud once I’m done putting a few touches on them, and most importantly, I think it’ll be a smoother read for all of you.
The second thing I’ve been doing is writing and editing. I have four projects that have been getting my attention. The first is The Divide: Origins, which I’ll talk about more a little later. The second is a romance book temporarily titled A Magnolia Romance. It feels a lot like Destiny only I used personal experiences from the place I grew up to mold it into an experience that can feel more authentic. I can’t know how people will react to it, but I can honestly say that it’s one of my favorite projects I’ve ever worked on. It’s written to completion and lightly edited, but it still needs a lot of work. I wouldn’t expect a release from it until sometime next year. The third book I’m working on is simply called Hollow. It goes in a direction that I’ve never written. It’s hard to even describe it without spoiling things, so I’ll just say this. It’s an action book about two people in a very desperate situation. I would put it in the same vein as stories like The Walking Dead or The Last of Us only it’s not about Zombies. This one is also written but has very little done to it in the editing department. The final thing I’m working on is a project that I’ve wanted to explore for over a year. In one of my old series, (The Wrong Series) a side character named Emma had an interesting story to me. She’ll be all grown up in this book, and it will focus on personal relationships and the things that make us who we are as we grow up. This isn’t a new book in the Wrong Series or a spinoff. If you never read the old series that would be perfectly fine because in this story Emma and Jasper are the stars, and all of their parents’ adventures are just a distant memory that’s never mentioned. Even so, I suppose it might be fun to get some of the subtle references I threw in there. I think people will like this one a lot, but it’s far from ready.
Now, onto the most immediate thing you’re probably wondering about. When am I putting out new material? Well, the next book I’m going to be releasing is The Divide Origins. I originally planned to release it near the end of this month. I don’t think that’s going to happen anymore. I’ve been tirelessly working to smooth out this book, and I think it’s just about finished in that department, but I also wrote an alternative ending to the story. Over the next few days, I’m going to be picking out which ending is better, smoothing a little more, and trying to find the perfect cover. I just don’t think all of that is going to be done in time for an end of the month release. I would expect to put out Origins in mid December. I want to get this one right, so I’m taking all the time it needs to be what it should be. I feel like Origins brings something very amazing to this story. I always wanted to tell how the disaster that changed Alex and Sarah’s world happened, and in this one, I do exactly that. It’s action-packed, but at the same time, it explores what’s most important on the hardest journey of your life. Now, I just need to decide how that journey should end.

Finally, I haven’t gotten everything done that I expected to by now because I’ve taken some time for myself over the last few weeks. I’ve taken time to enjoy television, music, sports, and video games again. You can get so wrapped up in your work sometimes that you forget you have a life, and for a while there, I think that was what I was doing. I’ve started living for me again, and it has made me happier and given me inspiration for all new stories. Maybe most importantly, I’ve decided to make changes for myself lately, too. I’ve committed myself to a healthier lifestyle. My mind feels clearer, and I know I’m headed toward a much brighter path. That’s what I want to leave you with today. No matter how many projects you have to do, take time for you. Play, work out, and fill your life with people who make it everything you always wanted it to be. Writing and reading stories are fun, but living yours is the ultimate adventure. That’s easy to forget, but it’s still very true. I’m getting back to who I am slowly but surely, and I’m finding that I’m so much more than I thought I was. I can’t wait to see who I am a month from now when I’m healthier, happier, and I have another project to share with all of you.

A Letter To Me

I see a lot of people writing letters to their younger selves now. They say all the things they wish they had known back then. I’m certainly no different than anyone else. I look back and wish I had done things differently or just that I had known more, so I’m going to do exactly that today. You can’t go back to the past, but I think it’s important to look back occasionally so you can learn what to do in the future.
Dear, Mitch
You’re fourteen right now. For you, the most important things in the world are football and video games. You’re not bad at those things either, but there’s so much more to life than them. You don’t work well with others, you don’t put much stock in education, and you don’t care as much as you should about the family you have. Someday that’ll all change, though. Your brain will be the key to making money, unlocking passions you didn’t even know you had, and finding the people who were such a pain before. Protect and nurture that brain. Learn something new every day. It doesn’t have to be behind a desk or done in a traditional way, but every skill you acquire will make you better.
Secondly, treasure the people in your life, and never leave anything unsaid. Someday you’re going to be sitting by a hospital bed of a loved one thinking about everything you should have said. You’ll say those things to give yourself some peace, but by then, they won’t actually be able to hear you. Say it now. There’s not always going to be a tomorrow. It sounds cliché, but it’s really true. If you love or appreciate someone, the best thing is always to let them know.
Third, follow your passions. People are going to try to get you to be practical about everything in your life, and that’s their job. They only want what’s best for you, but you grow from your passions. Make mistakes, explore dreams, and find new skills that you never knew you could have. It’ll be more painful when you realize some dreams are just out of your reach, but for the dreams that come true, it’ll make all the effort and long nights worth it. Life as a dreamer means feeling more pain but also so much more satisfaction. It’s shooting for the moon and just missing. The fall hurts, but you sure get a better view of the stars than most people.
Fourth, don’t ever give people your time when they don’t value you. In your life, you’re going to meet what you think are friends and in some cases even more than that. They won’t be real, though. They’re using you. Keep out a watchful eye for people who only want to steal your joy. There are many out there who only take, but I also have a word of warning. When you find those people and they inevitably hurt you, don’t let it shape you into a person who trusts no one. I’ve spent too much of my life afraid of being hurt because of what someone said or did to me. I’ve judged harshly based on experience, and it has saved me a lot of hurt, but it also robbed me of what could’ve been great experiences. Don’t stop trusting, but see the people in front of you.
Finally, and most importantly, give the people who want to love you a chance. You’ll come in contact with people in your life who you think don’t stack up to your ideal friend or mate. Maybe they don’t, or maybe you just don’t feel what you think you should at the time. Here’s the thing, though. There are so many people out there who want to tear you down. Don’t ever push someone out of your life who can build you up. Give that friend a chance, and date that girl that you don’t feel anything for yet. Some of the greatest things and people in your life are going to come from situations that you weren’t feeling at the time. Some of your biggest regrets will revolve around the chances you didn’t give people, too. You’ll always wonder what if. It’s not a good feeling, and it’s going to take you about twenty-five years to realize what you’re doing. Don’t let that happen.
I’ve said a lot of things you need to avoid or that you’re going to do wrong. You must be thinking that life is going to be a list of mistakes you made by twenty-seven, but I’m telling you it’s not. Right now you’re the typical depressed fourteen year old. You don’t feel good enough in so many areas. You’re afraid of being alone, unsuccessful, and of growing up to live the same boring life you see with everyone else. Here’s the good news. You make mistakes, but there are so many good things in your future. You have a house in a neighborhood you used to love as a teenager, you have a car you love, great people in your life, and you’re doing something that you never dreamed was possible. You’re a success, and your faith is growing a little stronger every day. Even better, most of those mistakes you made are still fixable. That’s what you never realized. It’s never too late to follow a dream, call up someone you didn’t give the time of day and apologize, or to cut someone out of your life who steals your joy. You make it in the future, so remember this one thing if you don’t get anything else out of this letter. Instead of being depressed and dreading your future, celebrate who you are today and who you will be down the line. Life is truly what we make it with a few curveballs on the way, and you get hit by a few of them, but you learn to knock more than a few of them out of the park.
Your Future

P.S. Your first kiss happens soon, so stop worrying about it all the time. :)